Designing Universes.

Age 34, [they||them]


Chaos, Australia

Joined on 5/6/08

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SilverStitch's News

Posted by SilverStitch - August 2nd, 2020

Hey everyone!

This is an announcement to say that I will no longer be doing my monthly Dev-Diary posts on Newgrounds. This is because I do my more detailed updates over at my website, and re-discussing the same content on this website felt like having to abridge and repeat myself. If you're keen to keep getting updates, follow my social media and you'll get notifications about everything~! My account here will definitely still remain active, and I'll still pop on by sometimes to see how everything is going~ I'll also make sure to do special posts on major updates such as releases~!

I'd also like to quickly shout-out JGames who recently posted a wicked visual-article about the history of Flash and all the goodness that made the Flash Era so special! I was fortunate enough to be included in the article, so go send them some love!! Flash Game History

I'd also like to shout-out our lord-and-saviour Tom Fulp who I believe has been now running Newgrounds for 25 years (as of about a month ago). Congrats Tom, and thank-you for all your amazing support over the past quarter-century! <3

Thank you everyone for all your love and support! ^,,^

Website: https://www.silver-stitch.com/

Itch.IO: https://silverstitch.itch.io/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/silstipro

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/silstipro/

Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/silsti



Posted by SilverStitch - July 1st, 2020

Hey y'all! Another update for everyone!

The past few months I have been re-working my work schedule to maintain a better balance. I'm currently juggling work on my game Management IN SPACE!! alongside a casual video gig and my other project work. Everything is coming along slowly, but it is making progress!

As part of an exercise I've been doing since the start of the year, I've been releasing a One-Page-One-Shot every month! These are all available over at [itchio] so go check them out! Aside from that, remember that you can always keep updated on my stuff if you follow my social medias:

[Twitter] | [Facebook]

For everyone fighting, I hope you are all safe and stay strong! And whether you're staying at home still or starting to get outdoors, I hope you are staying safe! Till next time, all the best!





Posted by SilverStitch - May 4th, 2020

Hey everyone!

Hope you have all been staying safe! The past month has been pretty intense with managing projects, commissions, and just trying to stay sane during these stressful times! I've managed to get a bunch of work done with commissions, but I've slowed down my progress with Management IN SPACE! as I need to retweak the core game a bit more, and I would like to produce the game correctly doing it proper justice! I also released my next OPOS: 'Secret Space'!

Don't have too much else to talk about, but I did go into greater detail over at my website: https://www.silver-stitch.com/

I hope everyone is staying safe and caring for each-other and yourselves! Till next time, all the best! ^,,^



Posted by SilverStitch - March 31st, 2020

Hello all! I hope everyone is staying safe! <3

This month has been quite tense, juggling my work on Management In Space! with some commission work! But it's coming along well! I finally finished a bunch of art assets to tie up the standard ship entities! From here I hope to import and associate them all, and then start working on the modifications to the story mechanics I've been planning!

As with the start of every month, I released a new One-Page-One-Shot to the public! This one is a social deception game called One Night With Senpai; a fast-paced dating-sim to play with your friends! Check it out here:


Another thing I've started working on is I've been running a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style social game over on my Facebook page! It's a couple of 'chapters' in so far, and well worth the check-out if you want something fun to look forward to every few days! You can check out the first chapter here:


Beyond that, I hope everyone has been safe and kind! Till next time, all the best~! ^,,^


Posted by SilverStitch - March 1st, 2020

Hey everyone!

Woo I have been heckin' busy! Been continuing and powering through my Management IN SPACE!! project, but I've also been doing a handful of commission projects! Everything has been keeping me busy! M.I.S. has been undergoing additions of new art assets, along with some new future plans for changes to the main story.

I've also got the first One-Page-One-Shot publicly available over at itchio! I'll be releasing a new O.P.O.S. via Ko-Fi every month, and then they will become publicly available via itchio. The first, ZomboCraft, can now be downloaded, printed, and played with your friends:


I'm going to jump back into my work now! Don't forget that you can get more frequent updates over at my website, and you can follow me over at Twitter!



Till next time, all the best~! ^,,^



Posted by SilverStitch - January 31st, 2020

Hello everyone! Happy 2020!

I've started the new year by taking a new direction with my work! While I am still hard at work on 'Management IN SPACE!!' (aiming for a mid-2020 release!) I have also started working on writing 'One-Page-One-Shots' (OPOS). These are little pen-and-paper role-play games with all the rules contained on one-page! I will be releasing each OPOS at the start of every month via Ko-Fi, a donation site for artists. Then, after a month has passed, the OPOS will be made freely available via Itchio~ If you enjoy my work and have some spare cash (only donate if you can already support yourself!!), feel free to check out my Ko-Fi page and become a donor or subscriber~! :D

Work on 'Management IN SPACE!!' has been good, I've had a lot of great and positive feedback from testers lately, and I hope to continue to work on getting the art assets done, filling out early and mid content, and patching up all those bugs!

If you want more frequent and detailed updates, check out my website:


And if you want to make a donation, check out my Ko-Fi:


Until next time, all the best~!




Posted by SilverStitch - December 1st, 2019

Hey everyone!

Been rather hectic since my last post. I started closed-testing the other week which has been good thus-far! Already numerous bugs and balancing issues have popped-up, along with some fantastic suggestions on how to improve the game. Lots more work to do now haha! I've also been working hard on getting the art assets done, including ship and module visuals, and improving the overlay system to present more information to the players.

I've also included a 'Station Select' screen which allows the player to unlock and play as different stations now, each with unique pros and cons, as well as differing strategies!

As always, December is a crazy-busy time for me, so the next post I am able to do here may only be in mid-Jan or Feb, but I will (try-to) continue to do mini updates over at my website. Remember you can follow my social accounts as well to stay up-to-date with my posts!

Till next time, all the best!


Website: silver-stitch.com

Twitter: @silstipro

Facebook: @silstipro



Posted by SilverStitch - November 1st, 2019

Hey all!

Woo, busy month. I am heckin' tired.

I've been pushing really hard to get the game up to scratch; upgrades, content, bug-fixes, optimisations. I've overhauled the event system completely so now things run a lot smoother and are notably more controlled, without losing their randomness! I've upgraded ship management and added new combat and station mechanics for more options and strategies! I've been filling in the content, adding more stories and items! Just, SO MUCH STUFF!

I have a good amount more content I need to add, and a handful of things I need to tie up, and then I'm going to move into closed local testing with some friends and devs. While the game gets tested I'll continue content additions and actually getting the art and audio assets done, and then if all goes to plan we might see the game completed sometime around the start of the new year! :D

Gotta keep working hard!

Remember you can always see more frequent and detailed updates over at my website:


And you can follow my other social media to help stay on-top of things:

- Twitter: @silstipro

- Facebook: @silstipro

And as always, till next time, all the best~!



Posted by SilverStitch - October 3rd, 2019

Hey everyone!

I've been working really hard to try and bring my game together. Due to the sheer content of the game, how long it takes to produce the assets for it, as well as a few other personal things, I no longer have a set deadline on this game. I'd still like it to be done as soon as possible, but it'll probably have a bit longer to go.

Aside from the numerous bug-fixes and updates suggested by testers, I've also implemented a feature that allows you to select your station layout. This allows players to try different strategies with unlocked content!

I did a long post about everything over, and a few personal things, at my website at: silver-stitch.com

(I am aware of an issue with my site right now and am currently in the process of fixing it, sorry if you encounter any issues!)

You can also follow my social media on Facebook and Twitter, though for now most of it is updates about when I post to my main site:

Twitter: twitter.com/silstipro

Facebook: facebook.com/silstipro/

Till next time, all the best~! ^,,^



Posted by SilverStitch - September 2nd, 2019

Hey all!

Whoa busy month! Been cramming to get as much of 'Management IN SPACE' done as possible! The game itself is built; the focus is now more on getting the rest of the assets done and filling in story. There will be a bunch of optimisation required as well but one step at a time~

Aside from that, nothing too special? Sorry I don't have much info for ya this time!

Don't forget you can always check out more frequent updates and screenshots over at my website at:


Till next time, all the best~!

