Hey everyone!
Been rather hectic since my last post. I started closed-testing the other week which has been good thus-far! Already numerous bugs and balancing issues have popped-up, along with some fantastic suggestions on how to improve the game. Lots more work to do now haha! I've also been working hard on getting the art assets done, including ship and module visuals, and improving the overlay system to present more information to the players.
I've also included a 'Station Select' screen which allows the player to unlock and play as different stations now, each with unique pros and cons, as well as differing strategies!
As always, December is a crazy-busy time for me, so the next post I am able to do here may only be in mid-Jan or Feb, but I will (try-to) continue to do mini updates over at my website. Remember you can follow my social accounts as well to stay up-to-date with my posts!
Till next time, all the best!
Website: silver-stitch.com
Twitter: @silstipro
Facebook: @silstipro