Hey people!
So those of you who also follow my main site would have picked up that I had set myself a deadline for my Demo. Unfortunately due to various personal reasons I was unable to meet that deadline, and have pushed it back to two weeks from now. Gotta put health over work! However talking about what I have actually completed; the biggest thing is definitely the showcase/free-play area of the Demo. This is essentially an example of what a level would look like in the first game I've planned. It's big, it's complex, and it's detailed. I may add some more features to it but they are optional additions. I've also completed around 70% or more of the final Demo character animations, which is in-itself has been fantastic practice.
I took some personal time over the past week to recover from pushing myself too hard, and I've started easing back into it again. I'll be trying my best to get the Demo done in the next two weeks! Till then, definitely head over to my main site to check out a number of screenshots of the completed showcase area I mentioned earlier: www.silver-stitch.com
Till next time, all the best!