Hey everyone! Last update of the year outside of my main website!
Unfortunately the a lot of personal stuff came up over the past month so production slowed down a lot. What was going to be a Christmas release for the demo is looking more like a January - February release. Apologies to the testers who have been waiting, but I'll try to get it polished and completed asap!
The progress itself on the demo, while slow, has been continuing! I've completed all the test areas for Triggers and am currently working on the AI and NPCs area. The Triggers area was definitely the largest part of the demo, so it's great to have that completed. Alongside bug fixes and other updates, I've also been working with my composer for the first proper project getting the soundtrack done, and I have to say it's already sounding amazing! We've worked on some drafts before but we're getting close to a finished product.
Remember, if you want to be a part of the demo testers, send me a message! And you can always check out my website for more frequent updates and screenshots:
Thanks everyone!