Well I just up and missed posting in April didn't I? Sorry, but I've been pushing myself to get this engine done, I just didn't want to post up another entry about "it will be done in a month!", even though that's exactly what I'm doing now...
I've done so much over the past 2 months so I'll try to sum it up (forgive me if I repeat something); dialogue, flying AI, all other AI, pretty much everything about the player that wasn't done already, heaps of triggers, sound effects and music (including location based sounds), thought bubbles, slight performance boosts, endless bugs, probably more stuff. Of course this is on top of other work as well, which is fun.
I'm so close, I can practically taste it (whatever a game engine tastes like, I'll know soon)! Also my website works, I just need to make it look pretty. When the engine is done I'll be migrating there for weekly updates, but will still be doing monthly updates here and on deviantArt.
I'm so tired...
Happy Star Wars day! May the 4th be with you all ~~
And Happy Pico Day to everyone this Saturday! :D