Hey everyone!
Sorry about the ridiculous delay, I wasn't at home much over the past month. That, and combined with the stress over Christmas and a part-time job, I've really fallen back on my schedule (just as I was catching up). I've managed to finally complete player combat after re-writing animation functions and writing the start of an inventory system (which I'll continue this very day!).
Life has definitely gotten in the way a lot over the past 2 months, not necessarily for the worse mind you. Going away on a trip is always fun, working to make real-people money is a necessity, and my graphics card breaking is definitely not a fun set-back, but it happens. In my yearly plan I accounted for set-backs but I'm pushing the limit now, so I'm really going to push myself to catch back up the work I've missed over the past 2 months. I need to get this engine done otherwise I can't tell the stories I want to. Hopefully in a month's time I'll be posting about how I'm finished (or basically finished knowing me).
I still have a lot of work to do. But I'll get it done.
Some good news though!
Firstly, unlike me my musician is well on-time and has already sent me some demos for the first game. I wish I could show you all because they are AMAZING!
Secondly, as an apology for being late, here is a compilation shot of my latest update featuring player combat, independent arm movement, and death animations. [Link]
S.S. ^,,^