Hey everyone!
Sorry I'm a day late; birthdays and Easter and work is intense and stuff.
On that note I didn't get as much done this month, though that's also due to an increasing wrist/arm problem I've been getting which I'm finally getting checked out. Fingers crossed it's nothing serious. :)
Anyways, onto things I did actually do! Finally finished all the player's actions! Pretty much everything that has to do with the player is now done (last time I said I was almost done... now I am!). There will most likely be some tweaking, bugs will pop-up (as always) and I'll need to optimise the player for sequencing but for the most part it's done! :D On-top of that I've also got all the ground work for the animation triggers done; focusing on the player at the moment. Even though it's just a handful of stick-figure sketches, the player now animates with smooth transitions between actions (for the most part...). The animation trigger is still being worked on for multiple animation stacks and just generally being smoother, but it's coming together~ :3
Sorry, nothing special about this month's update! I'll try to get something worth-while out for next month.
Be happy~!