I've just been reading over reviews for all my works, and it seems people are thinking rather highly of them. This is pretty awesome, but I realized that works that I produce in the future are going to have to continue to meet up to people's expectations... =S
Unfortunatetly, Im starting Uni (in like 3 hours) so production will slow a lil, but Im still trying to work on more stuff. My next work isn't like my others, conveying emotion and creativity, but do not fret, for I am have already developed concepts for future works of that sort.
I'll post a bit more info about it all when I've gotten further into it. =)
Some of your animations made me cry, your awsome for that, because thats pretty hard to do.
Your animation rules.
Some of my future works (will) follow a similar emotional design, so I hope you like them too. =)