Designing Universes. ^,,^
Age 34, [they||them]
Chaos, Australia
Joined on 5/6/08
Fabulous-fishstick42 2015-08-03 17:22:19
Fingers crossed! And I'm glad you're doing better. You are such an inspiration of mine. You have inspired me to be a creative and happy person. Thank you.
SilverStitch 2015-08-03 17:22:19
Thank-you! I'll be fully functioning in no-time~! :D
whatusernamedood 2015-08-03 18:41:10
So awesome! Get well soon! And *fingers crossed* good luck!
SilverStitch 2015-08-03 18:41:10
Thanks! I'll try my best! :)
Fingers crossed! And I'm glad you're doing better. You are such an inspiration of mine. You have inspired me to be a creative and happy person. Thank you.
Thank-you! I'll be fully functioning in no-time~! :D