Awesome, glad you're finding a balance! Stop by the Programmers section of the BBS, or even in General sometimes, can always use another pair of eyes there :)
Designing Universes.
Age 34, [they||them]
Chaos, Australia
Joined on 5/6/08
Awesome, glad you're finding a balance! Stop by the Programmers section of the BBS, or even in General sometimes, can always use another pair of eyes there :)
Thanks! I might swing on by sometime! :)
Amazing job
Thank-you! And thanks for the review and follow! :D
great game (and also made me replay your colour my series too, one of my NG faves!)
Awesome, and thanks! Glad you enjoy my work! :D
I like it dude! When the text boxes pop up and the text gradually is displayed - is that just you manually doing it inside of a movieclip (guessing you are using Flash)? Or is there another way?
It's done with code in Flash. I'll try to give a simple break-down:
You start with the full text, then duplicate it removing all but X letters (X starts at 0). Then every frame the code runs it adds another 1 to X, and then displays X number of letters. This means that every frame it adds a new letter to the textbox. :)
Example using "ABC"
Frame 1: X=0, text = " "
Frame 2: X=1, text = "A"
Frame 3: X=2, text = "AB"
Frame 4: X=3, text = "ABC"
I hope this helped! :)