wow , taking a while to release ? it must be big!
i've really liked your games , i'm looking forward to what you're creating , i've already seen your teaser arts , looks amazing ! :D
Designing Universes.
Age 34, [they||them]
Chaos, Australia
Joined on 5/6/08
wow , taking a while to release ? it must be big!
i've really liked your games , i'm looking forward to what you're creating , i've already seen your teaser arts , looks amazing ! :D
It will be big! But must be patient! =D
congrats. oh and btw thanks for getting me all excited then killing it. GREAT NOW I HAVE TO WAIT. :3
Your awesome.
The more time I spend on it, the better it will be~~ =D
1000+(-998) <3
? = -998
I am going to assume that is correct~ =P
Wow. Congrats on reaching 1k followers!
And wow, that thing that youre working must be really cool.
I hope that it's an addition to the colour my dreams series.
Thanks~ ^,,^
Not unfortunately I'm not working on any Colour-related projects at the moment~ =)
I loved your colour series! Too bad there aren't going to be any more :(
Congradulations on having 1000+ followers!
Thank you for your support~ =)
You're the most creative person in newgrounds, on Earth! You deserve a trophy! Congratulations for the Colour my Life video... I'll base my thoughts on your ideas! Without color, without love!!
Glad you love my work so much~
Tom actually sent me a certificate, which I think is just fine~ =P
Thanks again~~
I hate you 1. your gay your all happy and stuff 2. you suck dicks 3. go die 4. you have no life
Hmmm... well I see but no.
i always liked your work and would be happy of something new from you ;D
I'm glad!
And I am working on some other stuff at the moment, but won't be ready for a while~ =3
I really liked Colour My Fate. It reminds me of the movie Pleasantville, and it definitely brings the holiday mood.
By the way, please consider adding medals for your other games! :-)
I have never seen Pleasantville, but I am glad you enjoied my work~ =)
im really sad but glad ;) u decided to end that way because of u and your series i got a girlfriend and we are really close thank so much I played the whole series and I now see the world in a diffrent way and right now im always have a smile face thank you so much man really your series and sad that they are done when do you think you are going to introduce your new series please leave a answer thanks :D
Thanks for both your support~
My new work won't be ready for a while, but it will come~ =)
How do you follow somwone?
There be a heart+ thing-a-ma-jig on the profile or under their name when you had one of their works open~~
How come you won't submit your short animation: 'Publishing Our Ages'
BTW, I loved it!
1) The resolution is WAAYY too big. Newgrounds won't allow something that size, because it won't fit into the screen properly (Youtube reduces screen resolution).
2) I personally find so many flaws in the animation, I'm not entirely happy with it, nor will I be remaking it (it was for university).
But glad you liked it~! =D
Hey Silver, man i gotta tell you colour my world for some reason for me is and amazing game. theres someone i love like that, and i feel like i cant quite reach her. this simple game somes it all up though. dont give up!! thank you!
I am glad you could relate to the story so well~~ =3
Thanks for your support~! ^,,^
which is a little French would tell you that your Colour Series is a marvel and you should continue. ;)
it's over 9000!!! Wait. I gues it would be over 900.. -___-' I guess. But great job!
Wow! Your fellings expressed in your games touch my heart with so few words... Say to me... How could you do this?... Have I got to the point of creating a User here just to talk to you?
Ok so 2 things.
1. you are one of my ABSOLUTE favorite people on newgrounds. loved freedom - person lost, but where do i find the series?
2. i can't find the thing that lets me follow you. where is it?
It's over 1000!!!!
Naw, just kidding... that meme is so lame. Congrats! Good job for reaching that many followers. :)
Hehehe, don't worry, it was bound to come up~ =P
Thanks~~ ^,,^