you ran out of ideas?
Designing Universes.
Age 34, [they||them]
Chaos, Australia
Joined on 5/6/08
you ran out of ideas?
Oh course not! Just that you can't spend forever on the same thing~
I found the whole series to be rather shallow and boring... I'm glad to see you're finally moving on.
Umm... thanks...?
it was awesome. kinda surprised that it wasnt a game, but it still rocked. i wonder, all the flashes in the series have a central message of love, and what i wonder is if you were making these for perhaps a girlfriend or something....i wonder....anyways, im sad to see the series end, but it was an awesome series at that, so keep up the great work
Thanks~! Glad you enjoied them~~
And yeah, I did make them for someone~~ ;)
Im sad that the series is gonna leave but happy that a new game is coming
Hehehehe, thanks~~
Great Finisher Buddy, I Really Enjoyed All of the Colour Series. I hope you Make a New Series Soon Just as Good :)
Thanks~! Glad you enjoied the series~! =D
it was the best colour movie :)
i really do loved the Colour series... :3
why you have to finalize it??O_o
i was hoping for more Colour series >,<
I'm soorryyyy~~
I can't stay with the same thing forever... >,,<;;
Glad you enjoied it~! =D
loved this series
pity it had to end, though better to end now than to stagnate :p
any ideas on what ye gonna do next? :3
Glad you enjoied the series~~
I do have a few things rolling around in my mind~
hey, I do understand why you moved on from it :) I'm glad you didn't let it drag on forever, and it instead managed to encapsulate the idea well & give it a good ending.
But I love your series really thoroughly. There aren't enough positive thinkers in the world, or people who think about others. It reminds me a lot of my boyfriend's outlook on life. I tend to be the cynical realist, and he tends to be the optimist.
Basically, what I mean to say is-- please never lose your own outlooks on life. Thank you for telling us all to be hopeful, and may you never lose your hope ever :)
Really glad you enjoied the series as much as you did~!
I don't plan to loose these views on the world, or change the way I see everything, as long as I can try and keep helping people see it too~~~
Noo! Don't stop. I LOVE your games.
Will you make a new series? or make more? Please say yes ):
Don't worry~
I won't stop animating, I hope that helps~~ =)
Much love~
d00d you rock you made me believe in love again... thank you
Im glad you do~~
One word: Awesome. This blew my mind. I really liked the series, sad it came to an end, but enjoyed it while it was here!
Thanks~~ Im glad you liked it and the series~~
I can't believe it...
I just feel sooo better watching the character go on and on into this atmosphere... I really love the quotes... They are amazing...
But it is always best to move on with other things
I'm glad you enjoied the series, sorry I had to end but I didn't want to drag out the story too long, wanting to leave it more up to the viewer~
Thanks for your support~
found the whole series to be rather shallow and boring... I'm glad to see you're finally moving on.found the whole series to be rather shallow and boring... I'm glad to see you're finally moving on.
lo that just made me crackup for some reason.
Your drawings, your choice of music and you're artistic depth in all of your animations brought out much emotion in me and any others, it's like philosophy or a painting which offers a thought or idea and gives room for people to draw what they want from it.
Been following you since color my world and have kept to date with the series, I want to see more art from you in the future.
If you do intend to make more animations on this world, I can't comprehend how it would not be this story and work,but i'm sure you have a way ;)
Hehehe, thanks~
Im glad you like the series so much and are looking forward to my future works~
Thanks for your support~!
Silver Stitch. I love you. (In an entirely your games are wonderful, non creepy, I'm not stalking you I promise kind of way.) I adore your games. I played the whole series on ArmorGames, but this is the first time I've played them here, and I can just say I am sad to see them go, but understand the reasoning behind it. Every time I play I just kind of get the feeling that they were made FOR someone, and somewhat hope that they were. If they were, that person is very lucky; the games are very sweet and rather romantic. Thank you for the experience, and I will be looking forward to anything you do in the future!!!
Hehehe, thanks~~ I'm glad you love the series (as well as me~ =P) so much~~!
Yes, I did make them for someone, because it is how they make me feel~ =3
Thanks for your support~!
The animations you create are so touching and beautiful. Nice Going !
Thanks, glad you liked them~ =D
outstanding! lovely, beautifull. Slight and faint. I hope you will be discovered. Very well choosen music!
A friend of mine did the music for me~~
Glad you enjoied the series~ =)
:3 your games are so awsome thank you so much for making this series and im sad and glad you ended it the way you did perfect ending to a perfect series you are awsome
Glad you enjoied them all~ =)
im really sad but glad ;) u decided to end that way because of u and your series i got a girlfriend and we are really close thank so much I played the whole series and I now see the world in a diffrent way and right now im always have a smile face thank you so much man really your series and sad that they are done when do you think you are going to introduce your new series please leave a answer thanks :D
first! I luv da series man
You are first~ =D
Thanks~ ^,,^