I simply have to say this, your work is amazing. Where your art is simple, it allows our minds to color in the bare lines, where your art is complex... Well, it allows our minds to have a greater spectrum. This is beautiful, the pieces you've made, I just finished watching your other works. Well done, I love how much your work makes me think. I plan on voting them the highest I can for at least another week.
I simply have to say this, your work is amazing. Where your art is simple, it allows our minds to color in the bare lines, where your art is complex... Well, it allows our minds to have a greater spectrum. This is beautiful, the pieces you've made, I just finished watching your other works. Well done, I love how much your work makes me think. I plan on voting them the highest I can for at least another week.
Wow. Thank-you a lot. Its great to have such strong support. =)